
Interpretations include simultaneous interpretation, consecutive interpretation, as well as appearance of a court-authorized interpreter before a court.


Simultaneous interpretation requires additional equipment, i.e. technical support. This type of interpretation takes place in an isolated booth, where the interpreter speaks simultaneously with the speaker, which is why this type of interpretation is considered the most demanding.
Simultaneous interpretation is mostly used at gatherings where many people participate, such as various lectures, conferences, seminars, etc.


Consecutive interpretation requires the speaker to make pauses in order for the interpreter to adjust the text and interpret it according to the context. Above all, consecutive interpreters must be resourceful, concentrated and quick in order to be able to follow the speaker’s dynamic. This type of interpretation is suitable for business presentations, meetings or seminars which do not include participations of a large number of people, so no additional equipment is required.


The appearance of a court-authorized interpreter before a court is necessary if it is required for a person who does not speak Serbian to sign a certain document. The court-authorized interpreter then guarantees the credibility of a document which is to be signed with his presence and seal.